Luisa Menazzi Moretti

1 July – 1 August 2021
Free entry

MUDEC presents the latest project by Luisa Menazzi Moretti: IO SONO / I AM, a photographic exhibition put together thanks to the partnership between, Fondazione Città della Pace per i Bambini Basilicata, Cooperativa Il Sicomoro and Fondazione Foqus Napoli.
The exhibition comprises twenty large photographic portraits of refugees and asylum seekers, which the author has accompanied by a “book–legend”, a volume of unwritten pages, with a title and cover photograph dedicated to each person featured.
Luisa Menazzi Moretti has also collected the stories told by all of the people, which are on display at the end of the photo gallery.
The work, made during the first half of 2017, involved migrants accommodated in Basilicata who come from 16 different countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Nepal, Gambia, Nigeria, Senegal, Egypt, Congo, Mali, Ivory Coast, Eritrea and Ethiopia.

“I met people who had come to our country in search of a better life,” stated Luisa Menazzi Moretti. “Together with so many others they get lost in the blurred stream of men and women who appear faceless and story-less. We know nothing about them. Where do they come from? Who are they? We see them from a distance. On the television, on the Internet, they all seem the same. It’s fundamental to understand that they’re not just migrants, they are individuals first of all.”
By presenting books with blank, as-yet-unwritten pages alongside the single portraits, the author wants to suggest the importance of every spoken tale that she has listened to and recorded, each one different, tragic, dense, each one the possible storyline for a book.
In addition to the exhibition, the project includes a video (prizewinner at the International Photography Awards in New York) and the book IO SONO published by Giunti Editore.

Exhibition created by:
MUDEC – Museo delle Culture
FOQUS – Fondazione Quartieri Spagnoli Onlus
Città della Pace per i Bambini – Basilicata
Cooperativa Il Sicomoro

As part of:
Talenti delle donne

0254917 (lun-ven 9.00-18.00)

1 July – 1 August 2021
Monday closed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 10.00 – 19.30
Thursday and Saturday 10.00 – 22.30

Mudec – Museo delle Culture
via Tortona 56, Milano