The art of telling timeless stories

September 2nd, 2021 – February 13th, 2022

Telling timeless stories succeeding in enchanting the public is considered a true art, but behind the artistic result lies years of creative exploration, generally unknown to those that enjoy these stories.
Disney. The Art of Telling Timeless Stories”, at the MUDEC of Milan from September 2nd, 2021 to February 13th, 2022, is an exhibition that will illustrate this creative process to visitors.
The exhibition will illustrate Walt Disney’s masterpieces to visitors by bringing back the stories to their ancient origin of epical tradition: these are the myths, the medieval legends and the folklore, the fables and fairytales that have been for centuries the archetype narrative heritage of the different cultures of the world. These will also be the thematic sections of the exhibition, in which the most famous stories from which Disney’s films derive find their place and are presented in a narrative interpretation through the exhibition of the preparatory sketches which focus on the characters, the settings and narrative plots.
The great innovative effort of the Disney artists was in fact – and still is today – that of transferring these stories to motion pictures using various artistic tools, from the hand-drawn to the digital animated films, to capture the essence of the ancient fables and to revitalize them, making their universal value current.

Visitors will be encouraged to become storytellers themselves and they will be able to walk through the halls of the exhibition not only as passive spectators of the contents, but as the leading actors of the same. Through interactive workstations and a setting evoking the sceneries of the great Disney animation masterpieces it will be the visit itinerary itself that will provide the tools of the trade of every great storyteller. Hall after hall, each visitor will be able to try out the fundamental structural elements to bring to life any storytelling to experience the feeling of living the work of an animation artist through the same techniques of the Disney Studios.

Press Kit

Foto mostra Carlotta Coppo

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Frozen 2 – Il Segreto di Arendelle, 2019
Jin Kim
Concept art
Disegno digitale su carta
© Disney

Robin Hood, 1973
Disney Studio Artist
Concept art
Guazzo, pennarello e inchiostro su carta
© Disney

Biancaneve e i Sette Nani, 1937
Disney Studio Artist
Composition with acetate
Ink and paint on acetate and gouache on paper (reproduction of the original)
© Disney